Hello there, fellow iPhone users! Have you ever been stuck with the boring ringtones that come with your phone? Are you tired of having the same ringtone as everyone else? Well, fear not my friends! In this post, we are going to show you how to make iPhone ringtones without iTunes!
How to create ringtones for your iPhone using iTunes
Step 1: Open iTunes and select a song
First things first, open your trusty iTunes and select a song that you want to turn into a ringtone.
Step 2: Choose which part of the song you want as your ringtone
Next, right-click on the song and select "Get Info." From there, go to the "Options" tab and choose the part of the song that you want as your ringtone. Make sure it's no longer than 30 seconds!
Step 3: Convert to AAC and rename the file
Right-click on the song again and this time, select "Create AAC Version." Once it's done, right-click on the new file and select "Show in Finder." From there, change the extension from .m4a to .m4r and hit "enter."
Step 4: Add the ringtone to iTunes
Head back to iTunes and select "Tones" from the drop-down menu. Then, drag and drop your newly created ringtone into iTunes.
Step 5: Sync your iPhone with iTunes
Last but not least, sync your iPhone with iTunes and voila! You now have a brand new, custom ringtone.
Free ringtones for iPhone with/without iTunes
No iTunes required
If you're not a fan of iTunes, fear not! There are plenty of apps out there that allow you to create custom ringtones for your iPhone. One of our favorites is Create Ringtones Free. This app allows you to create custom ringtones directly on your phone, without the need for a computer or iTunes.
With iTunes
If you prefer using iTunes, there are also plenty of websites out there that offer free ringtone downloads. One of our favorites is Zedge. Simply download the ringtone you want and follow the steps outlined in the previous section to add it to your iPhone.
Final thoughts
So there you have it, folks! A few different options for creating custom ringtones for your iPhone. Whether you prefer using iTunes or an app, there's no excuse for having a boring ringtone anymore. Get creative and show off your unique style!
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